Building an Effective Leadership Team for Your Church’s Capital Campaign

Your church has dreamed of new ways of pursuing its mission.  You’ve meticulously planned a major project for years.  You’ve carefully selected a Capital Campaign Consultant. You’ve prayerfully set the financial goal.  Now, the next critical step will determine whether your campaign thrives or falters in the coming months: building the Leadership Team. The Role of… Continue reading Building an Effective Leadership Team for Your Church’s Capital Campaign

Five Biblical Foundations for a Church Capital Campaign

When you hear the term “capital campaign”, it may evoke thoughts of aggressive tactics or secular fundraising methods. However, the Bible provides guidance for gathering resources to fulfill the mission of making disciples. Grounding your church capital campaign in biblical principles is essential to growing disciples as you set out on a capital campaign. Let’s… Continue reading Five Biblical Foundations for a Church Capital Campaign

Should We or Shouldn’t We? Everything Your Church Needs to Know About Congregational Readiness Studies

Sometimes it can be difficult for a church to reach consensus on a campaign. Sometimes it is unclear whether the congregation fully supports the project. Sometimes the leadership simply wants more objective data to help make an informed decision. In these cases a Congregational Readiness Study can be a very helpful tool.  Even if you… Continue reading Should We or Shouldn’t We? Everything Your Church Needs to Know About Congregational Readiness Studies

Growing New Leaders

Most people think of capital campaigns as accomplishing only one thing: raising money for a defined need. But one of the best gifts of a well-done capital campaign has nothing to do with money and everything to do with the church’s greatest asset: its people.  Over the course of sixteen years I led four capital… Continue reading Growing New Leaders