For more than two decades, statistics and studies have told the story of the church’s shirking footprint and influence in the United States. We all see and sense that the church has been in retreat.
Consider the Following
- In 2021, Gallup reported that only 47% of Americans identified as members of a church, synagogue, or mosque—the first time in the poll’s 80-year history that church membership fell below 50%.
- GivingUSA’s 2024 report reveals that inflation-adjusted giving to religious groups has reverted to 2013 levels and has decreased from 60% to just 24% of all U.S. charitable giving over the past 40 years.
- According to the Pew Research Center, the number of people identifying as religiously unaffiliated has grown from 16% in 1997 to 28% in 2023.
- Barna’s 2022 Spiritually Open survey shows that 32% of Gen Z and 24% of Millennials identify as having “no faith.”
- A 2022 Pew Research Center projection indicates that the number of identifiable U.S. Christians may shrink below 50% within the next two generations.
Looking Ahead
You may already be familiar with any of those statistics that signal the retreat of the church. For those of us whose identity is rooted in Christ and the local church, this retreat is both clear and troubling.
Yet, the Holy Spirit is not done with the church. The church remains the Bride of Christ, the conduit through which God calls and redeems. Scripture consistently does two things for God’s people: it reminds us of what God has done and, more importantly, it points us to what God will do. As we strive for the renewal of the church, we lean into the hope that resurrection, not death, is our story.
Cargill Associate’s Mission
This is why Cargill Associates’ mission is Advancing the Church. Today’s churches need partners to help reframe the mission of making disciples, resources to nurture new followers of Jesus, and tools to grow disciples who reveal a love for God and neighbor. Cargill aims to advance the church through leadership, mission, and generosity, enabling it to reach, serve, and disciple more people.
We seek to collaborate with denominational leaders, local churches, pastors, foundations, and other organizations committed to trusting in what God has done while pursuing what God will do as the Holy Spirit renews the church of Jesus Christ.
If you’re interested in joining a conversation about Advancing the Church, contact us about the work we do in coaching leadership, deepening mission, and growing generosity.