Sometimes it can be difficult for a church to reach consensus on a campaign. Sometimes it is unclear whether the congregation fully supports the project. Sometimes the leadership simply wants more objective data to help make an informed decision. In these cases a Congregational Readiness Study can be a very helpful tool.
Even if you know that there is consensus on the need for a campaign, setting a realistically achievable financial goal for a campaign can be tricky. Set it too high and you risk falling short. Plans may have to be postponed or redrawn, which can cause disappointment and frustration. The leadership of the organization may be criticized for poor planning and their credibility may be diminished. Set it too low, on the other hand, and you run a risk that people may not be motivated to give to their full potential and you may not fully ignite the excitement, momentum, and abundance of resources that come when a community collectively stretches to reach a bold vision.
Churches have been conducting capital campaigns for almost as long as churches have had buildings. With data now available on thousands of campaigns, certain benchmarks and standards have emerged. Most churches can typically raise somewhere between one and two-and-a-half times annual income over the course of a three-year campaign. Where a church lands on this scale will depend on many factors. A campaign for debt reduction or repairs tends not to motivate people to give to the same extent as a new building or an addition. Demographics make a difference too. Younger families with less disposable income typically are able to give less than older congregants who are in a different season of life. Some churches also have more wealthy members than others. All of these factors have an impact, but the last two in particular will make the most difference in the outcome.
It’s important to remember that this is only a general guideline, and there are many factors that can affect the final goal. Many churches have raised five or even ten times annual income. A small number of major gifts can skew the outcome significantly. Pastors often tell us they don’t have many wealthy people in their congregation, but many are surprised to discover they were wrong. In every church there are often a handful of people who have been blessed with an extraordinary ability to give at a high level. If handled correctly, these congregants can help your church achieve a campaign goal far beyond your expectations.

Truth is, a capital campaign is probably one of the most complex initiatives your church will undertake. You only get one chance to do it right. By going through this process, you ensure that every member of the church has opportunity to have their voice heard and to indicate the degree to which they are willing to give. It provides objective data to the leadership of the church to assist in making critical decisions about the campaign and significantly increases the likelihood that the campaign will be successful.